PDF documentation ================= DIP package comes with an automatized PDF export of parameters. As an example, we will parse following files: * `definitions.dip <../../_static/pdf/definitions.dip>`_ * `settings.dip <../../_static/pdf/settings.dip>`_ Environment suitable for a documentation has to be parsed with a special method ``parse_docs()``, that processes node differently as the standard ``parse()`` method. .. code-block:: python >>> from scinumtools.dip import DIP >>> from scinumtools.dip.docs import ExportDocsPDF >>> with DIP() as p: >>> p.add_file('definitions.dip') >>> docs = p.parse_docs() >>> with ExportDocsPDF(docs) as exp: >>> exp.build( >>> 'documentation.pdf', >>> "Example DIP documentation", >>> "In this document we want to demonstrate basic capabilities of a DIP documentation..... " >>> ) ``ExportDocsPDF`` class provided above can be used as it is, or as a template for your own personalized documentation. When building your own documentation, you can simply take the `existing source code `_ and modify it according to your needs. For more information how to create PDF content using Python see documentation of `ReportLab `_. Code above will generate the following `PDF documentation <../../_static/pdf/documentation.pdf>`_. .. pdf-include:: ../../_static/pdf/documentation.pdf :height: 800px