Pygments highlighter ==================== Pygments highlighter can be used in a Sphinx documentation by adding following lines into the ```` file. .. code-block:: python >>> # DIP Syntax Highlighter >>> from sphinx.highlighting import lexers >>> from scinumtools.dip.pygments import SyntaxLexer, SchemaLexer, StyleLexer, pygments_monkeypatch_style >>> pygments_monkeypatch_style("StyleLexer", StyleLexer) >>> pygments_style = 'StyleLexer' >>> lexers['DIP'] = SyntaxLexer(startinline=True, style=StyleLexer) >>> lexers['DIPSchema'] = SchemaLexer(startinline=True, style=StyleLexer) Syntax highlighting of a DIP code block is than straightforward: .. code-block:: rst .. code-block:: DIP height float = 23.4 cm Syntax highlighter ------------------ DIP language shares many common programming concepts with other languages like Python and C. It's syntax is, however, different enough to cause a problem for generic highlighters. Therefore, DIP comes with its own `pygments `_ lexer in ` `_ and styles in ` `_. Below is an overview of all its highlighting capabilities: .. note:: All starting curly brackets in expressions are interpreted as references. In order to interpret a starting curly bracket as a plain text, one has to escape them with a slash sign. The slash sign will be automatically omitted by the lexer in the highlighted text. .. code-block:: DIP # group nodes name hierarchy.path # comment name-with.more_words.and.stuff34 # modifications name = 1 name = foo name = "foo bar" # comment name = 'foo bar' name = """ foo bar """ name = {source?query} # declarations name bool name int name int32 name uint32 name str name float name float # comment name float64 name table name float[:1,2] name float[:1,2] # comment # scalar definitions name bool = true name bool = false # comment name bool = {source?query} name bool = ('({?a} == 23.43 cm') name bool = ("({?a} == 23.43 cm && true") # comment name bool = (""" false || ({?a} == 23.43 cm || ~{?b}) && {?c} || ~!{?d} """) name int = 12 name float = 12 name float = 12.3 name float = 12.3e23 # comment name float = 12.3e-23 name float = -12.3e23 name float = {source?query} name float = (function) name float = ('2 kg * pow({?const.c},2)') name float = ("2 kg * pow({?const.c},2)") # comment name float = (""" 2 kg * pow({?const.c},2) """) name str = foo name str = "foo bar" # comment name str = 'foo bar' name str = """ foo bar " "" ' """ name str = {source?query} # comment name str = ('ID: {{?id}:05d}') name str = ("ID: {{?id}:05d}") # comment name str = (""" ID: {{?id}:05d} Name: {{?name}} Surname: {{?name}[5:]} Scalar: {{?widths}[1,1]:.2e} Array: {{?widths}[:,1:]} \{no-reference} <- starting curly bracket was escaped """) # array definitions name bool[2,2] = [[true,false],[false,true]] name bool[2,2] = "[[true, false], [false, true]]" name bool[2,2] = '[[true, false], [false, true]]' name bool[2,2] = """ [[true, false], [false, true]] """ name bool[2,2] = {source?query}[:2,:2] name int[2,3] = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] name float[2,3] = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] # comment name float[2,3] = "[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]" name float[2,3] = '[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]' name float[2,3] = """ [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] """ name float[2,3] = {source?query}[:2,:3] name str[2,2] = [[a,b],[c,d]] name str[2,2] = [['a','b'],["c",""" foo bar """]] # comment name str[3] = ['John','Peter',"Simon"] # comment name str[2,2] = "[['a','b'],[\"c\",\"d\"]]" name str[2,2] = '\[[\'a\',\'b\'],["c","d"]]' name str[2,2] = """ [['a','b'],[\"c\",\"d\"]] """ name str[2,2] = {source?query}[:2,:2] # comment # units name = 1 cm name = 1 cm # comment name float cm name float cm # comment name float[:1,2] cm name float[:1,2] cm # comment name int = 12 cm name int = 12 cm # comment name float = 12 cm name float = 12 cm # comment name float = {source?query} cm # comment name float[2,3] = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] cm name float[2,3] = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] cm # comment name float[2,3] = "[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]" cm name float[2,3] = "[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]" cm # comment name float[2,3] = '[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]' cm name float[2,3] = '[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]' cm # comment name float[2,3] = """ [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] """ cm name float[2,3] = """ [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] """ cm # comment name float[2,2] = {source?query}[:2,:2] cm # comment name float = ('2 kg * pow({?const.c},2)') kg name float = ("2 kg * pow({?const.c},2)") kg # comment name float = (""" 2 kg * pow({?const.c},2) """) kg # properties weight float = 23.3 kg = 28 g = 23 = 83 kg # comment = 23 # comment !options [28,29,30] !options [28,29,30] # comment !options [28,29,30] kg !options [28,29,30] kg # comment !constant !constant # comment !format '[a-zA-Z]' !format "[a-zA-Z]" !format "[a-zA-Z]" # comment !condition ('23 < {?} && {?} < 26') !condition ("23 < {?} && {?} < 26") !condition (""" 23 < {?} && {?} < 26 """) !tags ["foo","bar"] !description "Node description" !desc "Node description" # special nodes $unit length = 1 cm # comment $source file = path # comment $source {init?*} # comment $unit {units?*} # comment @case ("{?winner} == 1") # comment @else # comment @end # comment # hierarchy family str = Smith parents father str = 'John' mother str = 'Mary' children int = 1 infant bool = true # comment weight float = 9 kg Schema highlighter ------------------ DIP schema highlighter is design to highlight only the most basic concepts of DIP language. Definition of the schema highlighter is in file ` `_. The following block summarizes all highlighter possibilities. .. code-block:: DIPSchema = # comment = # comment !options # comment !condition ('') !condition ("") # comment !condition (""" """) !format !constant $source = {?} {?}[] () ("") ('') (""" """)