NormalizeData ============= Numerical data plotted as series of plots and images, often needs to be normalized prior to plotting. In ``matplotlib`` module, this can be achieved by adding linear and logarithmic norms to images. The norms require calculations of minimum and maximum values of the plotted data. Class ``NormalizeData`` offers a quick and concise way to extract these values from each data part and to calculate total normalization constrains for a final figure. The script below gives an example how to calculate linear and logarithmic norms from a simple list. .. code-block:: python >>> from scinumtools import NormalizeData >>> >>> xlen = 10 >>> ylen = 20 >>> data = np.linspace(1,xlen*ylen,xlen*ylen).reshape(xlen,ylen) - 10 >>> >>> with NormalizeData() as n: >>> for row in data: >>> n.append(row) >>> linnorm = n.linnorm() >>> linnorm.vmin, linnorm.vmax (-9.0, 190.0) >>> n.lognorm() >>> n.zranges() Ranges(minpos=1.0, min=-9.0, max=190.0) Data domains (axis) can also vary from plot to plot. Extents of x, and y axes are calculated in a following example. .. code-block:: python >>> with NormalizeData(xaxis=True, yaxis=True) as n: >>> for r,row in enumerate(data): >>> xdata = np.linspace(-r,r,xlen) >>> ydata = np.linspace(-r*2,r*2,ylen) >>> n.append(row, xdata, ydata) >>> n.xranges() Ranges(minpos=0.11111111111111116, min=-9.0, max=9.0) >>> n.yranges() Ranges(minpos=0.10526315789473673, min=-18.0, max=18.0) In the example below we, calulate norms from two sets of image data and plot them using normalized color in ``matplotlib``. .. code-block:: python >>> from scinumtools import NormalizeData >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> with NormalizeData(xaxis='lin', yaxis='lin') as nd: >>> >>> for size in [np.pi*2, np.pi]: >>> xaxis = np.linspace(0,size,50) >>> yaxis = np.linspace(-size,size,50) >>> zdata = size*np.vectorize(lambda x,y: np.sin(x)*np.sin(y))(*np.meshgrid(xaxis,yaxis)) >>> nd.append(zdata, xaxis, yaxis) >>> >>> xranges = nd.xranges() >>> yranges = nd.yranges() >>> norm = nd.linnorm() >>> >>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(5,3)) >>> >>> for i, (data, extent) in enumerate(nd.items()): >>> ax = axes[i] >>> im = ax.imshow(data, extent=extent, norm=norm) >>> ax.set_xlim(xranges.min, xranges.max) >>> ax.set_ylim(yranges.min, yranges.max) >>> >>> fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes.ravel().tolist()) >>> Notice that each plot has diferent x/y axes and different z data value ranges. ``NormalizeData`` class automatically calculates individual data extents, as well as common value ranges of axes and data. .. image:: ../_static/figures/normalize_data.png