Physical Units ============== Class ``Quantity`` and its derivates, ``Unit`` and ``Constant``, can be used in many scientific applications, because they enable easy manipulation and calculations with physical quantities. Among the most interesting features are: * Concise and regularized unit notation with arbitrary unit prefixes. * Conversion of units with the same, or inverse dimensionality (SI, CGS, natural units and more...). * Conversion of temperatures (K, degR, degC, degF). * Conversion of logarithmic units (dB, Np, dBmW,...). * Integration with ``numpy`` arrays and functions. * Usage of float or ``Decimal`` precision. * ``Quantity`` is a self-content class that does not need initialization in a header, or use of registries. Quantities can be pickled and are compatible when created in different parts of the code. * Support of fractional powers All available units, constants and prefixes with their corresponding symbols and definitions are listed in ` `_. In this text, we will refer to them without extensive introduction. A list of available units and constants can also be printed using the following python command: .. code-block:: >>> import scinumtools.units as su >>> print(su.Unit()) Units Prefixes: Symbol | Prefix | Definition ---------+----------------------+--------------------- Y | yotta | 1e24 Z | zetta | 1e21 E | exa | 1e18 P | peta | 1e15 ... >>> print(su.Constant()) Constants Symbol | Unit | Definition ---------+----------------------+--------------------- [c] | velocity of light | 299792458*m/s [h] | Planck const. | 6.6260755e-34*J*s [k] | Boltzmann const. | 1.380658e-23*J/K [eps_0] | permit. of vac. | 8.854187817e-12*F/m ... All units used by ``Quantity`` are based on 8 fundamental ``dimensions``. These are not identical with any standard metric system (SI, CGS) but conveniently selected for ease of implementation and internal calculations. Six units are physical (``m`` meter, ``g`` gram, ``s`` second, ``K`` Kelvin, ``C`` Coulomb, ``cd`` candela) and two are numerical (``mol`` mole, ``rad`` radian). Derived units use combinations of these dimensions and a numerical value, magnitude. Units can be used individually, or combined using basic mathematical operations. Multiplication is denoted using asterisk symbol ``m*m``, division using slash symbol ``m/s``, integer powers are indicated with a number after the unit ``m2`` (or ``m-2``) and fractional powers are denoted using two numbers separated by a colon ``s3:3`` (or ``s-3:3``). Units can also have a numerical part ``60*s`` (or ``365.25*day``, or ``1.67e-24*g``) and can use parenthesis ``m3/(kg*s2)``. No empty spaces in unit expressions are allowed. * Units without prefixes: ``g``, ``J``, ``ly`` * Units with prefixes: ``mg``, ``MJ``, ``kly`` * Unit expressions: ``kg*m2/s2``, ``V/(C/s)``, ``1/Hz1:2`` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: quantities conversions other tables