scinumtools.dip.pygments package
scinumtools.dip.pygments.schema_lexer module
- class scinumtools.dip.pygments.schema_lexer.SchemaLexer(*args, **kwds)
- name = 'DIP'
Full name of the lexer, in human-readable form
- tokens = {'reference': [('[^}]+', ('DIP', 'Reference')), ('{', ('DIP', 'Reference'), '#push'), ('}\\[', ('DIP', 'Reference'), 'reference_slice'), ('}', ('DIP', 'Reference'), '#pop')], 'reference_slice': [('[^\\]]+', ('DIP', 'Slice')), (',', ('DIP', 'Reference')), ('\\]', ('DIP', 'Reference'), '#pop:2')], 'root': [('<indent>', ('DIP', 'Indent')), ('<name>', ('DIP', 'Name')), ('<type>', ('DIP', 'Type')), ('<unit>', ('DIP', 'Unit')), ('<value>', ('DIP', 'String')), ('<path>', ('DIP', 'String')), ('\\.\\.\\.', ('DIP', 'Text')), ('(\\()("""\\n|"|\\\')(<expression>)(\\n"""|"|\\\')(\\))', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>), ('(\\()(<function>)(\\))', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>), ('<[^ ]', ('DIP', 'Tag'), 'tag'), ('{', ('DIP', 'Reference'), 'reference'), ('!(options|format|condition|constant|tags|description)', ('DIP', 'Keyword')), ('\\$(source|unit)', ('DIP', 'Keyword')), ('\\@(case|else|end)', ('DIP', 'Keyword')), ('( |=|<|>|\\.\\*|\\*)', ('DIP', 'Text')), ('#[^\\n]*', ('DIP', 'Comment')), ('[ ]*\\n', ('DIP', 'Text'))], 'tag': [('[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+', ('DIP', 'Tag')), ('>', ('DIP', 'Tag'), '#pop')]}
At all time there is a stack of states. Initially, the stack contains a single state ‘root’. The top of the stack is called “the current state”.
Dict of
{'state': [(regex, tokentype, new_state), ...], ...}
can be omitted to signify no state transition. Ifnew_state
is a string, it is pushed on the stack. This ensure the new current state isnew_state
. Ifnew_state
is a tuple of strings, all of those strings are pushed on the stack and the current state will be the last element of the list.new_state
can also becombined('state1', 'state2', ...)
to signify a new, anonymous state combined from the rules of two or more existing ones. Furthermore, it can be ‘#pop’ to signify going back one step in the state stack, or ‘#push’ to push the current state on the stack again. Note that if you push while in a combined state, the combined state itself is pushed, and not only the state in which the rule is defined.The tuple can also be replaced with
, in which case the rules from the state named by the string are included in the current one.
scinumtools.dip.pygments.style_lexer module
- class scinumtools.dip.pygments.style_lexer.StyleLexer
- styles = {(): '', ('Comment',): 'italic #3D7B7B', ('Comment', 'Hashbang'): '', ('Comment', 'Multiline'): '', ('Comment', 'Preproc'): 'noitalic #9C6500', ('Comment', 'PreprocFile'): '', ('Comment', 'Single'): '', ('Comment', 'Special'): '', ('DIP', 'Boolean'): 'bold #0D47A1', ('DIP', 'Comment'): 'italic #FB8C00', ('DIP', 'Dimension'): '#9E9E9E', ('DIP', 'Expression'): '#8D6E63', ('DIP', 'Indent'): '#BDBDBD', ('DIP', 'Keyword'): '#757575', ('DIP', 'Name'): 'bold #616161', ('DIP', 'Number'): '#B71C1C', ('DIP', 'Reference'): '#E64A19', ('DIP', 'Slice'): '#FF8A65', ('DIP', 'String'): '#558B2F', ('DIP', 'Tag'): '#0097A7', ('DIP', 'Type'): '#616161', ('DIP', 'Unit'): '#607D8B', ('Error',): 'border:#FF0000', ('Escape',): '', ('Generic',): '', ('Generic', 'Deleted'): '#A00000', ('Generic', 'Emph'): 'italic', ('Generic', 'EmphStrong'): 'bold italic', ('Generic', 'Error'): '#E40000', ('Generic', 'Heading'): 'bold #000080', ('Generic', 'Inserted'): '#008400', ('Generic', 'Output'): '#717171', ('Generic', 'Prompt'): 'bold #000080', ('Generic', 'Strong'): 'bold', ('Generic', 'Subheading'): 'bold #800080', ('Generic', 'Traceback'): '#04D', ('Keyword',): 'bold #008000', ('Keyword', 'Constant'): '', ('Keyword', 'Declaration'): '', ('Keyword', 'Namespace'): '', ('Keyword', 'Pseudo'): 'nobold', ('Keyword', 'Reserved'): '', ('Keyword', 'Type'): 'nobold #B00040', ('Literal',): '', ('Literal', 'Date'): '', ('Literal', 'Number'): '#666666', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Bin'): '', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Float'): '', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Hex'): '', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Integer'): '', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Integer', 'Long'): '', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Oct'): '', ('Literal', 'String'): '#BA2121', ('Literal', 'String', 'Affix'): '', ('Literal', 'String', 'Backtick'): '', ('Literal', 'String', 'Char'): '', ('Literal', 'String', 'Delimiter'): '', ('Literal', 'String', 'Doc'): 'italic', ('Literal', 'String', 'Double'): '', ('Literal', 'String', 'Escape'): 'bold #AA5D1F', ('Literal', 'String', 'Heredoc'): '', ('Literal', 'String', 'Interpol'): 'bold #A45A77', ('Literal', 'String', 'Other'): '#008000', ('Literal', 'String', 'Regex'): '#A45A77', ('Literal', 'String', 'Single'): '', ('Literal', 'String', 'Symbol'): '#19177C', ('Name',): '', ('Name', 'Attribute'): '#687822', ('Name', 'Builtin'): '#008000', ('Name', 'Builtin', 'Pseudo'): '', ('Name', 'Class'): 'bold #0000FF', ('Name', 'Constant'): '#880000', ('Name', 'Decorator'): '#AA22FF', ('Name', 'Entity'): 'bold #717171', ('Name', 'Exception'): 'bold #CB3F38', ('Name', 'Function'): '#0000FF', ('Name', 'Function', 'Magic'): '', ('Name', 'Label'): '#767600', ('Name', 'Namespace'): 'bold #0000FF', ('Name', 'Other'): '', ('Name', 'Property'): '', ('Name', 'Tag'): 'bold #008000', ('Name', 'Variable'): '#19177C', ('Name', 'Variable', 'Class'): '', ('Name', 'Variable', 'Global'): '', ('Name', 'Variable', 'Instance'): '', ('Name', 'Variable', 'Magic'): '', ('Operator',): '#666666', ('Operator', 'Word'): 'bold #AA22FF', ('Other',): '', ('Punctuation',): '', ('Punctuation', 'Marker'): '', ('Text',): '', ('Text', 'Whitespace'): '', ('Whitespace',): '#bbbbbb'}
Style definitions for individual token types.
- scinumtools.dip.pygments.style_lexer.pygments_monkeypatch_style(mod_name, cls)
scinumtools.dip.pygments.syntax_lexer module
- class scinumtools.dip.pygments.syntax_lexer.SyntaxLexer(*args, **kwds)
- name = 'DIP'
Full name of the lexer, in human-readable form
- tokens = {'expr_double': [('\\\\({)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>), ('{', ('DIP', 'Reference'), 'reference_expr'), ('[^"\\\\{]+', ('DIP', 'Expression')), ('\\\\"', ('DIP', 'Expression')), ('\\\\[^"]', ('DIP', 'Expression')), ('(")(\\))', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'unit')], 'expr_single': [('\\\\({)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>), ('{', ('DIP', 'Reference'), 'reference_expr'), ("[^'\\\\{]+", ('DIP', 'Expression')), ("\\\\'", ('DIP', 'Expression')), ("\\\\[^']", ('DIP', 'Expression')), ("(')(\\))", <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'unit')], 'expr_triple': [('\\\\({)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>), ('{', ('DIP', 'Reference'), 'reference_expr'), ('[^"\\\\{]+', ('DIP', 'Expression')), ('\\\\"', ('DIP', 'Expression')), ('\\\\[^"]', ('DIP', 'Expression')), ('"[^"]', ('DIP', 'Expression')), ('""[^"]', ('DIP', 'Expression')), ('(""")(\\))', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'unit')], 'node_type': [('([ ]*)({)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'reference'), ('([ ]*)(bool|[u]?int[0-9]*|float[0-9]*|str|table)(\\[)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'type_dim'), ('([ ]*)(bool|[u]?int[0-9]*|float[0-9]*|str|table)([ ]+=)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'node_value'), ('([ ]*)(bool|[u]?int[0-9]*|float[0-9]*|str|table)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'unit'), ('([ ]*)(bool|[u]?int[0-9]*|float[0-9]*|str|table)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#pop'), (' ', ('DIP', 'Text'), '#pop')], 'node_value': [('([ ]*)(true|false)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>), ('([ ]*)(-[0-9.]+|[0-9.]+)(e-[0-9]+|e[0-9]+|)([ ]+[^#\\n ]+|)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>), ("([ ]*)(')", <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'str_single'), ('([ ]*)(""")', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'str_triple'), ('([ ]*)(")', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'str_double'), ('([ ]*\\()([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(\\))', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'unit'), ("([ ]*\\()(')", <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'expr_single'), ('([ ]*\\()(""")', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'expr_triple'), ('([ ]*\\()(")', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'expr_double'), ('([ ]*)({)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'reference'), ('([ ]*)(\\[)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#push'), ('(,)', ('DIP', 'Text')), ('(\\])([ ]+[^#\\n ]*)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#pop:4'), ('(\\])', ('DIP', 'Text'), '#pop'), ('([ ]*)([^#\\n ]+)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>), ('[ ]', ('DIP', 'Text'), '#pop:4')], 'reference': [('{', ('DIP', 'Reference'), '#push'), ('[^{}]+', ('DIP', 'Reference')), ('}\\[', ('DIP', 'Reference'), 'reference_slice'), ('}', ('DIP', 'Reference'), 'unit')], 'reference_expr': [('{', ('DIP', 'Reference'), '#push'), ('[^{}]+', ('DIP', 'Reference')), ('}\\[', ('DIP', 'Reference'), 'reference_slice'), ('(}:)([0-9sdef.]+)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#pop'), ('}', ('DIP', 'Reference'), '#pop')], 'reference_slice': [('[0-9.:]+', ('DIP', 'Slice')), (',', ('DIP', 'Reference')), ('\\]}', ('DIP', 'Reference'), '#pop:3'), ('(\\]:)([0-9sdef.]+)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#pop:2'), ('\\]', ('DIP', 'Reference'), 'unit')], 'root': [('([ ]*)(#[^\\n]*|)(\\n)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>), ('([ ]*)(\\$source|\\$unit)([ ]+)({)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'reference'), ('([ ]*)(\\$source|\\$unit)([ ]+)([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)([ ]+=)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'node_value'), ('[ ]*\\@case', ('DIP', 'Keyword'), 'node_value'), ('[ ]*\\@(else|end)', ('DIP', 'Keyword')), ('[ ]*!(options|format|condition|constant|tags|description)', ('DIP', 'Keyword'), 'node_value'), ('[ ]*!(desc)', ('DIP', 'Keyword'), 'node_value'), ('^([ ]*)(=)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'node_value'), ('^([ ]*)([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)([ ]+=)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'node_value'), ('^([ ]*)([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'node_type'), ('([ ]*)({)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'reference')], 'str_double': [('[^"\\\\]+', ('DIP', 'String')), ('\\\\"', ('DIP', 'String')), ('\\\\[^"]', ('DIP', 'String')), ('(")(,)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#pop'), ('(")(\\])', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#pop:2'), ('"', ('DIP', 'String'), 'unit')], 'str_single': [("[^'\\\\]+", ('DIP', 'String')), ("\\\\'", ('DIP', 'String')), ("\\\\[^']", ('DIP', 'String')), ("(')(,)", <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#pop'), ("(')(\\])", <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#pop:2'), ("(')", ('DIP', 'String'), 'unit')], 'str_triple': [('[^"\\\\]+', ('DIP', 'String')), ('\\\\"', ('DIP', 'String')), ('\\\\[^"]', ('DIP', 'String')), ('"[^"]', ('DIP', 'String')), ('""[^"]', ('DIP', 'String')), ('(""")(,)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#pop'), ('(""")(\\])', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, '#pop:2'), ('"""', ('DIP', 'String'), 'unit')], 'type_dim': [('[0-9.:]+', ('DIP', 'Dimension')), (',', ('DIP', 'Type')), ('(\\])([ ]+=)', <function bygroups.<locals>.callback>, 'node_value'), ('\\]', ('DIP', 'Type'), 'unit'), (' ', ('DIP', 'Text'), '#pop:2')], 'unit': [('([ ]+[^=#\\n ]+|)', ('DIP', 'Unit'), '#pop:6')]}
At all time there is a stack of states. Initially, the stack contains a single state ‘root’. The top of the stack is called “the current state”.
Dict of
{'state': [(regex, tokentype, new_state), ...], ...}
can be omitted to signify no state transition. Ifnew_state
is a string, it is pushed on the stack. This ensure the new current state isnew_state
. Ifnew_state
is a tuple of strings, all of those strings are pushed on the stack and the current state will be the last element of the list.new_state
can also becombined('state1', 'state2', ...)
to signify a new, anonymous state combined from the rules of two or more existing ones. Furthermore, it can be ‘#pop’ to signify going back one step in the state stack, or ‘#push’ to push the current state on the stack again. Note that if you push while in a combined state, the combined state itself is pushed, and not only the state in which the rule is defined.The tuple can also be replaced with
, in which case the rules from the state named by the string are included in the current one.