Dimensional Input Parameters


“Make your code tastier and serve your parameters with a nice DIP!”

Welcome to DIP documentation!

DIPSL, or shorter DIP, is a serialization language for dimensional input parameters.

DIP was specifically designed as a parameter parser for massive parallel codes used in physics, mathematics and engineering that are mostly written in C/C++ and Fortran. Such codes require parameter input of multiple quantities and compilation flags with precisely defined variable types and physical units. In large projects, this can get quickly messy and confusing. Especially when code requires setting parameters using several different, code specific (C/C++ pre-processor constants, Bash/Shell environmental variables, CSV and data tables, or JSON, YAML, TOML and similar), notations and adjustable units.

Using DIP dimensions, data types and options of parameters are explicitly defined, validated and converted into proper numerical values used by a code.

The most notable features of this language are:

  • Explicit definitions of parameter data types and units

    weight float = 56 kg
    velocity float = 1.78 km/s
  • Hierarchical parameter structure

    human                  # indentation
        nose int = 1
    human.head.eye int = 2 # path
  • Multiple modifications of parameters

    dimensions int = 1  # definition
    dimensions = 2      # modification 1
    dimensions = 3      # modification 2
  • Automatic unit conversion from modification units into definition units

    energy float = 3 J
    energy = 4 erg
    # energy = 4e-7 J
  • Explicit definition of parameter options and their properties

    geometry int = 1
      = 1  # line
      = 2  # plane
      = 3  # volume
  • Inclusion of parameter values and nodes from local and external sources

    $source wines = ./wines.txt
    $source veggies = ./vegetables.dip
    fruits int = 2
      pear int = {?fruits}
      wine table = {wines}
  • Conditional serialization of parameters

    source bool = true
    @case ('{?source}')
       intensity float = 23 W/m2
       intensity float = none
  • Custom unit definition

    units str = 'cgs'
    @case ("{?units} == 'cgs'")
      $unit length = 1 cm
      $unit mass = 1 g
      $unit time = 1 s
    @case ("{?units} == 'mks'")
      $unit length = 1 m
      $unit mass = 1 kg
      $unit time = 1 s
    energy float = 1 [mass]*[length]2/[time]2
  • Modularization of parameter files and parameter search

    >>> from scinumtools.dip import DIP, Environment
    >>> with DIP() as p:
    >>>     p.add_string("""
    >>> laser
    >>>   intensity float = 1e25 W/m2
    >>>     """)
    >>>     p.add_file('radiation.dip')
    >>>     p.add_file('gravitation.dip')
    >>> laser_settings = p.nodes.query('laser.*')
    >>> radiation_pressure = p.nodes.query('radiation.pressure')
  • Template parsing (e.g. producing of pre-processor flag parameter files)

  • Support of tabular data input (e.g. CSV format or similar)

and many others…

DIP was created as a side project and does not have any particular development team. Any kind of help or support is highly appreciated.