HTML documentation

DIP package comes with an automatized HTML export of parameters. As an example, we will parse following files:

Environment suitable for a documentation has to be parsed with a special method parse_docs(), that processes node differently as the standard parse() method.

>>> from scinumtools.dip import DIP
>>> from import ExportDocsHTML
>>> with DIP() as p:
>>>     p.add_file('definitions.dip')
>>>     docs = p.parse_docs()
>>> with ExportDocsHTML(docs) as exp:
>>>         './build',
>>>         "Example DIP documentation",
>>>         "In this document we want to demonstrate basic capabilities of a DIP documentation..... "
>>>     )

ExportDocsHTML class provided above can be used as it is, or as a template for your own personalized documentation. When building your own documentation, you can simply take the existing source code and modify it according to your needs. For more information how to create and manipulate HTML content using Python see documentation of Beautiful Soup and Bootstrap.

Code above will generate the following default HTML documentation.